Say goodbye to political spam texts

A simple and effective political spam message blocker for iOS.

Get SpamStrike free this election season

Meet SpamStrike

Your trusty sidekick in the battle against political spam texts.

Customizable Filters

Tailor spam protection to fit your needs. Set filters to decide what gets through and what doesn’t.

One-Tap Setup

Protect your inbox with just one tap. Simple, easy, and done in seconds.

Affordable Protection

After the election season, continue to enjoy top-notch spam protection without breaking the bank.

Wait, why is SpamStrike free through election season?

We believe your inbox deserves better than being a battleground for political spam. This election season, we're giving SpamStrike away for free because, let's face it, there is enough drama on the news—no need to invite it into your phone. 

Curious to see which political candidates are winning the spam wars this year? Check out

Ready to reclaim your inbox? Get SpamStrike