How does SpamStrike work?

SpamStrike prevents political spam from cluttering your inbox by monitoring incoming messages from unknown senders. If a message is identified as potential political spam, it is automatically moved to the spam folder on your messages app, keeping your inbox clean.

What kind of text messages does SpamStrike prevent?

SpamStrike is primarily a solution for political spam messages. The application will mark any text messages that you receive as spam if they contain phrases (keywords) on our “blocked keyword” list and are sent from phone numbers that are not in your contacts.

Where do spam texts go when I have SpamStrike enabled?

Spam texts are removed from your main messages folder and placed an a spam folder on your Messages app. From your Messages app, you can view this folder by selecting “Filters”, then one of the folders under the “Filtered by SpamStrike” section.

What are “blocked keywords” on SpamStrike?

“Blocked keywords” are words or phrases that SpamStrike will use to determine whether a text you receive is spam or not. For example, if “vote” is on your “blocked keywords” list, any text you receive that contains “vote” and is sent from a number that is not in your contacts will be marked as spam, removed from your message inbox, and placed in a spam folder on your Messages app.

How do I ensure that messages from people I know are not marked as spam?

Messages from numbers in your contacts are never marked as spam. SpamStrike only filters out texts from unknown senders.

How do I enable/disable SpamStrike?

You can enable or disable SpamStrike in your iPhone Settings. Go to your settings app, then “Messages” > “Unknown & Spam” > Turn “Filter Unknown Senders” on or off.

Does SpamStrike read my texts?

SpamStrike only scans texts received from senders (phone numbers) that are not saved in your contacts The messages are monitored programmatically and annomously, and the contents of such messages are only audited for keywords on your “Blocked Keyword” list. NOTE: SpamStrike does not know which texts are associated with your account.